Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm busy pinteresting right now!!

How many times have I used pinterest as a verb? Seriously. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend has a love/hate relationship with my obsession with the site. He LOVES all the recipes I find, HATES all the time I spend 'pinning'.

I've never joined up with a linky party, but as I love all things having to do with pinterest, this just seemed to fit me so well!

Amber over at Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher is hosting it, and I am THRILLED. So out of my 1750+ pins, here are some of my favorites. (If you're interested at looking at my 1750+ pins, you're welcome to follow that little red button over there and check them out!)

Chicken Enchilada Pasta- This has to be by far the BEST thing I have made so far for dinner. It's super easy, and absolutely fantastic!

Oreo Cheesecake Cupcakes- Now, if I didn't feel so guilty about eating these, I would make them every week! They are absolutely DELICIOUS, and addictive.

This has so many great resources for mini lessons for reading, and I cannot wait to look through it this summer.

I absolutely want to make this for next year. I absolutely love that students can move UP and down!

Morning meetings are going to be new to me next year, and these ideas seem fantastic!

 This is just too darn sweet, and would be such a positive message to wake up to each morning! :)

I have so many more that I'd like to add, but apparently my internet connection isn't strong... although my computer is in the same spot it is EVERYDAY! AHH! Frustrating.


  1. I love your pins and I'm your newest follower :)

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

    1. Thank you! Considering I am so new to this blogger thing, I hope you don't mind if I ask you some questions every now and then! :) And I linked you, because let's face it, you and your blog are awesome!

  2. Replies
    1. If only I could explain to you my pinterest obsession! I was so happy to see you're linky party! :)

  3. Yum. That chicken enchilada pasta looks delicious.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  4. Just found your adorable blog through this cool link up! Chack my post out! Also, my hubs had a love/hate relationship with pinterest as well... for the same reason!


  5. Your blog is just too cute!! I found you through Amber at Adventures of a third grade teacher and thought you might want to join my "pintervention" linky party to show off all the projects you finish this summer :)


  6. Great pins! I am excited to meet another Austin blogger. :) What district are you in?

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten
