Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Made It: BUSY BUSY BUSY!

Okay, so I have been super busy this week! I think with the understanding that summer is coming to a close... and quickly... that I have really jump started my system.

First thing on the list, my first 9 weeks of school placed into 1 binder! I have already mapped out the first week of school and could not be more excited!

You'll see that I have a tab for each week. Every 9 weeks will have it's own binder. I have put in all of my lesson plans, and am also planning on putting in the copies I will need for the week. I hope this will make it easier for me, and will have everything in one ready to go place.

If there are any teachers how there who want to swap ideas for the first week of school for Writer's Workshop, Daily 5, Math Workshop, and anything else, I'd love to chat! Definitely email me! I know I would love thoughts on my first week! :)

I also created some frames to house my objectives for the week. I still have yet to attach the foam letters to name the subject as I am not sure if that's what I want to do yet. I kept the safari theme going though.

I LOVED this idea from The Teaching Thief.

 Here's mine:
It will go great with my safari theme and be an awesome way for students to sticky note their thinking. Still need to figure out how to do the title. I'm thinking I'll be putting "Thinking Tracks" on it. What do you think?

I have also been really thinking about what do with fluency and sight words, so after seeing a great list of sight word chants at Growing Kinders, I printed them out and taped mine onto popsicle sticks with packing tape.
I plan to decorate some sort of tube and house them inside.

I also created a compliment box, which you can read more about on this post. Basically my students and I write compliments for each other, and during morning meeting or anytime throughout the day, I'll pick out a few and read them to the class. We clap and practice eye contact and saying thank yous and your welcomes. If you're interested, I talk much more about it here!
 I still need to take packing tape and cover it in it. That way it's like its laminated and won't get ripped up or dirty. All I used was a Kleenex box and scrapbook paper! :)

And greeting and activity cards to go with morning meeting which you can read more about here. (they are from Mrs. Bainbridge's page)

I also ordered this awesome pocket chart from Amazon.
I numbered each pocket and am planning on having students put any work done, notes, whatever inside their number.

Now when I'm grading, it'll make everything easier to have each student's work all in one place, and easy for me to see what's missing. And how many times have you heard "I can't find my paper! I know I turned it in!" well now time is saved because there is only 1 pocket for them to look through to find their work! Oh and no name papers? Now it won't be such a hassle to find out! I'm really hopeful this works this year. A big thanks to Mrs. Goodwin at i live 2 learn i love 2 grow!

Oh and I just bought these ADORABLE schedule pictures, and am planning on printing them out and laminating them. They came from Ladbug Teacher Files. I'm am in love with them.

Happy to say I crossed a few things off my list... but still so many more to go! Next up, calendar math, poem of the week, and a few other pinterest projects! Come on productive Monday!!! :)

Oh ANNND Colleen at Totally Teriffic in Texas is having a giveaway and Amanda Madden at Teaching Maddeness!


  1. CA-UTE!!! Love all of this, especially the compliment box!!! I'm your newest follower!

  2. Love it all! You've been busy! :)

  3. Wow, you've had a big week! :-) I think your pocket chart idea is a good one-let me know how it works out.

    Psyched to be in 2nd!

  4. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing your ideas. I have given you an award. Please stop by to pick it up.
    Happy Teaching,
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  5. Everything looks adorable!! You will love using those sight word chants. My students were so into them last year! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. Wow, you were very productive. I'm jealous you have your first 9 weeks planned out! I'm nowhere near that point, especially with moving grade levels. Ahh!
    iTeach 1:1

  7. Hi Amanda!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I love your blog and am your newest follower! Can't wait to start sharing!

    Today, in Second Grade

  8. Thanks so much for following my blog and for sending others my way. Love that I found your blog. Can't wait to check it out more. So excited when I find others in my grade level sharing cool ideas.

  9. I use the pocket homework holder in my 8th grade classroom and it relieves so much stress and wasted time.

  10. WOW - you've been busy! I'm your newest follower.

    Hooty's Homeroom

  11. I love your ideas. Your compliment box is awesome! I'm your newest follower.
    Third Grade All Stars

  12. Ready for the first nine weeks sounds fabulous! I love your creativity :)
    Would love to chat and exchange ideas.

    My Second Sense

  13. Thanks so much for commenting on my anchor chart (paper towel) holder. I'm your newest follower!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  14. Love the compliment box! What a great idea!

  15. I divided up my lessons bu trimester this year, too. What a great idea to put the masters in there also.


  16. Wow!! I love all your ideas, Amanda! I especially love the "thinking tracks" and how organized you are with your lesson binders. I just started blogging and have been so inspired by great blogs like yours:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  17. It all looks great! Could you put a little divider in the pockets so on one side of the divider is stuff they are turning in and on the other side is stuff you are handing back. I knew a teacher who used this method to hand back papers and it was awesome! I think I am going to have to do something like this.
    The Idea Backpack

  18. I like the Thinking Tracks, very cute!
    Thank you for checking out my blog!

  19. Wow so many cute ideas! I need to start planning! I am your newest follower! If you have time stop by my blog and follow. Can't wait to share more ideas!

    Thanks again for sharing!
    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  20. WOW! You have been busy! I love the colored paws against the black background. What did you glue the paws on? Poster board?

    Thanks for sharing.
    One Class, One Sound

  21. Love the compliment box! I am a new follower.
    Second GradebSunshine

  22. Holy cow have you been busy?! Love everything you did and bought! I'm hoping to get half that done by Monday!!! Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  23. Just found your blog and I am LOVING it! You are so creative! Thanks for sharing all of your awesome projects!
    ☼ Kate
    To The Square Inch

  24. Love your creative projects! And so jealous you have the 1st 9 weeks planned. :)

