Saturday, July 21, 2012

Possible changes? And a blog hop!

I'm a little nervous for next school year. We've had so many changes this summer, and I feel like every week, something new happens. Here's the scoop:

First we found out 3 weeks into summer that our AWESOME principal is leaving to a new school. Our district has done a lot of changing up top, and I think she wanted to spend her retirement in a district that won't end her last year badly. Only speculation on my part.. but we had NO warning about it. Definitely a shock.

Then we find out one of our assistant principals is moving to a new school. Apparently the district decided to take one AP out from each school and swap them to a new school... why? I have no idea.

THEN, my FAVORITE AP just let us know that she is leaving to a new district as well! She said it was to be closer to home. She was my rock this year.. the one I always went to for everything. She too let us know probably a month into summer. A few weeks after our principal left.

So, we will be having a COMPLETELY new admin team next year. Currently we have hired our new principal and new AP so far. We just need one more AP. From what I hear from my friend, they are going to be good for the school, but it's always tough with new admin, ESPECIALLY A WHOLE NEW ADMIN TEAM!

Now today I just heard that we need another 2nd grade bilingual teacher. Currently we have 2 bilingual teachers and 3 ESL teachers. One of our ESL teachers on the team is certified bilingual back in her home state (Wisconsin I think?). She is waiting on her Texas license, and then will take the test to become bilingual. Problem is we aren't sure if that will happen by the time school starts. And from what I just heard today, that could mean moving one of us ESL teachers to 4th grade, and then hiring a 2nd grade bilingual teacher.


Our team works SO well together. The new admin doesn't know us, and doesn't know how we work. It scares me to think they can make the decision to move one of us, without knowing anything about us!

Not to mention all the planning we have been doing together this summer FOR SECOND GRADE.

It frustrates me to think that although my coworker has all this certification back home, that you have to go through it all again in whatever state you move to. I started teaching in Arizona, took the tests, moved to California, took the tests again, moved to Texas, and oh yep, TOOK THE TESTS AGAIN. And guess what? They really weren't any different from the other teacher certification tests I had taken. Why is it that you have to do this for each state? Am I missing something here?

Oy. Talk about a crazy summer. I'm trying so hard to keep positive about all these changes, but as more and more happens, it's making it harder and harder. Sometimes I wonder just how flexible us teachers can be before we've had enough.

In other unschool related news! (Thanks for listening. I'm just feeling a bit frustrated!)

I have a Fridayish find! Went to Michales to use my 25% off everything, and here was this wonderful cart already $38! So 25% off later I snagged it for $28! Cannot wait to use it. I have one similar to this one and LOVE it.

I joined in the blog hop over at Grade 3 is the Place to Be. Th newbie blog hop is BOPPING! Come join in and welcome these newbies to the blogging world :)

To answer the questions that go along with the blog hop!

1. Right now I live in Austin, Texas.
2. I teach 2nd grade (hopefully still!) east of downtown Austin.
3. I have taught 1 year 5th grade, 1 year 3rd grade, 2 years RTI, and 1 year 2nd grade. Phew!
4. I started blogging June of this year 2012. Yea summer to let me have time on my hands!
5. I love replying to comments that I get emailed to my box. A lot of bloggers don't have their email linked up, so I cannot reply to their comments and email them! Check to see if you have your email linked up to your blogging comments HERE. I promise its really easy!


  1. Love replying through email too! I'm teaching 2nd next year so we can share ideas.

  2. I hope you get to stay in 2nd grade..good vibes are being sent your way. ;) I love your little blog and the great ideas you're sharing...keep up the great work!


  3. It drives me crazy when I can't reply through email to comments. I do reply to some comments on my blog, but I do a lot through email.

    Diving Into Learning
    PS- be sure to check out my giveaway that is currently going on :)

  4. Aww, that stinks that there's so many changes. A good admin team AND grade level team are both so important so I totally understand your frustration. I'm on a new team this year too so I'm kinda nervous as well. But I'm sure it will all work out.:)
    iTeach 1:1

  5. Good luck with the changes. I hope it all works out in your favor!
    Where Seconds Count

  6. Good luck~ Just found your cute blog. I grabbed a couple of those storage units at Michael's and love them!!

  7. I got the same cart at Michaels yesterday!
    It is a fabulous find!
    I saw you on the newbie blog hop. I am a new blogger myself. Come check out my site! I am your newest follower.
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  8. Sounds like a lot of change and we had the same thing happen last year...we survived and actually sometimes I think the change is good. Keeps you on your toes! :0) Super cute blog and so I pass the Liebster blog award to you! Hop over to for instructions.

  9. Hi, Amanda!
    I love your blog (I teach second grade too!)! I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger award. Visit my blog to pick up your award. :)


  10. That's crazy y'all will have a whole new administration! Hopefully you won't get switched to a new grade level.

    I've always thought that cart was SO cute!! :) Great storage, too!

    I think I have it where people can reply via email. I hope so, anyway! Care to let me know?

  11. Gosh, I sure hope everything works out for you.

    On the happy note...what a deal on that cart. Love it!

    Thanks for linking up with me.

    Fun in Room 4B

  12. I'we got a new principal last year and will have a new vp next year. It's scary how much one person change the whole school. I learned to speak up sooner rather than later. Hopefully, the new people will be great! I feel your pain. Good luck!

    Surfing to Success

  13. Love your blog design. So cute! I've given you an award. Swing by my blog to pick it up. :)

    Tangled with Teaching

  14. We got a whole new admin team last year, which was quite crazy! Luckily for us they were people who had worked in our building, but it was still a lot of learning on everyone's parts. Hopefully you'll get to stay in 2nd grade. I saw some other people gave you awards, I too am giving you an award (a different one, lol). Come back on over to my blog to pick it up. :)
    Cathy :)
    C is for Cookies, Cakes, Children, Classroom, and Crafts

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