Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Made It... Better late than never!

So school is creeping up around the corner.. but that doesn't mean I'm not busy still creating things! Here's a peek and what I've been up to this week.

Project #1
These awesome magnets are going to work perfectly for my ketchup and pickles board. If you're not familiar with what it is, I found it on pinterest here! Basically students move their magnet to the ketchup (catch up) side if they didn't do their homework. In my class, I have students take it to lunch with them as to give them another chance before they take have to do it at recess. They can also become a ketchup if they don't finish their classwork for the day. I tried it out last year for the first time and my kids went nuts for it! It's also a fabulous visual for me to see which students still have work to finish up. Thanks so much to Elizabeth and Fun in Room 4b for the numbers to print out and directions to make them!

Project #2
 Mod Podge cliboards. Enough said.

 Project #3
 Brain Breaks from 3rd Grade Thoughts. I LOOOOVE these! I've been meaning to make them for the longest time. So glad I busted them out this week because it was quite the project! Cutting, laminating, cutting again, hot gluing, and then making a few brain breaks of my own to add! Now I am the happy owner of 70+ brain breaks. Not sure if that buckets is what I want to use yet.. as you can see it's a bit jam packed.

 Project #4

I posted about these AWESOME good bye rhymes I found over at The First Grade Parade last week.Well I finally hot glued (I was a hot gluing QUEEN this week!) them to some amazing rainbow zebra print ribbon I found at Hobby Lobby. Can't wait to use more of that ribbon. I LOOOOVE bright colors, and the animal print added in? YES please.

Project #5
I also mentioned about how I organize my math stations last week. Well I FINALLY got it together and decorated the drawers of my tubs. As you can see, I am organizing math this year by math concept. I'm hoping that will keep me much more organized. Thank goodness for this awesome tutorial from Kinder Craze!

I feel like I did more... hmm. I wanted to post more pictures of my classroom but seeing as I had to tear everything down to put in my new room, that may have to wait until next week!!


  1. Wow you have been busy, but it paid off because everything looks GREAT!! :) I love the zebra print drawers! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I was scrolling through Google Reader and thought, "those look like the ones I made" I stopped in. Sure enough :) Thanks so much for the shout out. I'm so glad that you can use them. It's so exciting to see something I've made being used somewhere else. Thanks again :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. I have never used mod it difficult to use?
    I have organized my math centers very similar to yours. Doesn't it make life so much easier!!!!

    One Class, One Sound

  4. I love all your projects!! Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I am now following you!!

  5. I am IN LOVE with your rainbow zebra ribbon, nicely done!

    And obviously your awesome scrapbook paper. Awesome made its :)

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

    (edited to fix follow up comment stuff, sorry)

  6. Everything came out wonderful! I love the goodbye signs!
