Friday, October 13, 2017
Levels of Anger
Since I've begun this year as our behavior interventionist, I have seen many of the students on my case load struggle to self re...
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Proactive vs. Reactive
It's the beginning of the year and the honeymoon is REAL y'all! Things are jiving, behaviors are chill... but as the days go on.....
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Exit Tickets and Self Assessment with Marzano
So we've all heard of Marzano yes? You know that vocabulary guy who has lots of research into best practices? Well, one (out ...
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Strengths Finder 2.0
Okay, who has heard of this book? It has literally blown my mind. THE GIST: So many people are focused on their shortcomings and...
Friday, July 14, 2017
Summertime and the living is GREAT!
Well after years (hey, only 4!), I've decided to give this a try again. The biggest reason is that now that I have finished my DECADE....
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